Sabbath Prep day
Sabbath is fast approaching and I'm having a break from cooking to put down a few things.
This week has been pretty good. I've just finished reading/ listening to "Into the Wild" by Jon Krakauer. I'd say it's an interesting read for sure and exactly what I expected it to be. I was simultaneously sad for and angry at the protagonist. I suppose it's the making of a decent book since it elicited such an emotional response from me. I feel most sorry for his family. It's amazing what kids do to prove a thing or to be "wise in their own eyes" and never talk it out with anyone who has experience or wisdom in a topic.
The book I'm starting is "Mother Hunger" by Kelly McDaniel. I may or may not finish it. It comes with a 28 page pdf. We shall see. My Mom passed away nearly seven and a half years ago now. I guess there's a purpose for reading this now. If I finish it I may find a reason to share some insights here about it or about me or about my Mother or all of it.
Today I'm making cinnamon rolls. I love the recipe from The Bread Becker's Recipe Collection. It's really just the basic bread recipe- though it's a bit sweeter than a daily bread for my taste. However it makes perfect cinnamon rolls! The dough is in the first rise right now.
I'm making some chili as well. I have a bit of leftover chili but I'll be adding more ingredients and throwing it back in the slow cooker for sabbath. Otherwise I've got a few leftovers from last night to eat up for supper tonight. I've also made some pumpkin muffins this week as opposed to my regular cinnamon raisin muffins. Everything I make is fresh ground whole wheat so unless I have stated otherwise it's always that.
The mill I use is here. It's the Nutrimill Classic mill. I've had this impact type of mill for over two decades now. It has a lifetime warranty on it and I once had to use it to send it in for repairs. In the meantime I got a Family Grain Mill to use while I didn't have the other one. I also have their grain flaker for making daily oatmeal and their meat grinder. I am currently using the grain mill to grind coffee. It's really versatile. It fits on my Kitchen Aid - I keep the grain flaker on there- but I have a hand crank option too which I like for the coffee. It really came in handy after we lost power from Hurricane Helene! I was able to make fresh oatmeal and coffee every day like normal. Back then my chickens were still laying so I also had eggs every day. They're taking off the winter.
Back to baking and cleaning! I hope you have a restful Sabbath this week!
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