What happened next


Well on the fourth day YHWH created the sun, moon, and stars. I find it interesting that there was already light and plants but no living creatures before the sun. Of course the plants need the sun for photosynthesis which leads me to believe these were literal days and not a thousand years (or more) as some might suggest. 

On the fifth day He created birds and fish- some of the first living creatures that need plants. He told them to be fruitful and multiply filling the waters and the sky.

On the sixth day YHWH created land creatures and man. These are all significant in the order of things because without plants there would be no food for any of these living creatures. Without the sun, the plants would have no energy (though as a seed it would be able to sprout 🌱 under the soil and establish the roots). The whole order of things is significant. 

So now there's man on the scene. YHWH Tod man to be fruitful and multiply like He told the other living creatures. He told them all green plants that have the seed are for food for the animals and for man. 

Then YHWH rested from all the work He had done in making everything and blessed the seventh day and set it apart (made it holy) from all the other days and gave us the example to rest on the seventh day. 

It's all pretty simple, right? Everything we needs been made for us by our loving Heavenly Father who commands that all living creatures and man have babies and fill up the earth. Most people today think the earth is overly populated and war against having babies, from the cats and dogs they want to spay and neuter all of, to mankind who some of which are having a demographic winter and nations are paying their citizens to have more than 2 children (replacement level is 2). He has given us all we really need for completing the tasks He set forth for mankind. 

So how, given there was only one man and one woman, who by the way, used food to disobey YHWH as well, have we learned what we know now? How have we gotten to know what is food and what is not? How did we end up eating animals rather than just plants? Next time I'll share that as well.


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