Prayer request and the next thing.

 I normally would be posting only about plants from scripture but before I do I want to ask for prayer from y'all. I'm scheduled to have surgery Tuesday. I've never been put under for surgery and I know I'll have a long recovery, leaving my household responsibilities to others. I've had a rough past year that hopefully will stop being so tough after this. Thank you in advance!

Genesis 1:29-30 

Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food”; and it was so.


As you can see, the original intent was there would be NO death of animals and everyone would eat plants- even dinosaurs, lions, tigers, sharks, vultures, etc..... But in Genesis 3:17-19 we see that mankind was kicked out of this lovely garden where the food just grew from the earth. Adam and Eve were forced to 1-wear clothes "made of skins"- was this a lamb killed to make them clothes- a precursor of the Torah given later and then the living Torah- Yeshua who was the lamb slain for our sins? Maybe so, but it doesn't exactly say that so I can't say for sure. We only know what the scripture actually tells us, but also know YHWH does things to show us what things He will do in the future. Adam was forced to work hard to eat and feed his wife and future family. It would be hard work- weeds would spring up that would hurt him while he worked. And anyone who has ever had a garden knows, you have to work very hard to keep the weeds at bay while nurturing the plants you want to grow, whether that be flower gardens, veggie gardens, or dye gardens. But what about eating animals? By Genesis 9, all mankind has been wiped off the face of the earth except one family: Noah and his wife and his three sons and their wives by a worldwide flood due to the wickedness of mankind. In verse 3 YHWH gives them all animals for food. 

Let's look at "all animals" shall we? 

"Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you, as I gave the green plant."

Genesis 9:3

So does it mean everything living? 

"The phrase, ‘moving thing’ is translated from the Hebrew word ‘reh’mes,’ which refers to only specific types of animals that are preyed upon, or clean animals. Therefore, Genesis 9:3 should more correctly be interpreted to read, “Every clean moving thing that lives shall be food for you. . .” [1].

A question arises. . . If God’s laws were already in place and are eternal, including His dietary laws, then why did Noah suddenly need permission to eat clean animals? The answer is that Noah and his family were temporarily restricted from eating clean animals while on the ark, for the purpose of animal preservation, so that the clean animals would not become extinct."

The above is taken from here. Another logical answer to this points back to the animals that were taken onto the ark. A pair each of the unclean animals and seven pairs of the clean animals (Genesis 7:2-3)- which means they already knew what was clean and what was unclean. We can see this even earlier with Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:2-5). Abel was a shepherd ad his sacrifices to YHWH was from his flock. He didn't sacrifice pigs or camels, but sheep. So when Noah brought animals in he knew the clean from the unclean. So even if Noah had mistakenly thought that meant the unclean animals, it would have immediately wiped out their entire species if he had sacrificed any of them and eaten them. Even one! Without the male or female pig, there would never be any other pigs and so on, but not so with the clean animals. A sheep or deer or other clean animal could have been sacrificed and there were still plenty to breed and keep the species alive. So when the scripture says all living animals for food, there would be no expectation that an unclean animal would be considered "food." So now we have all plants that have seeds and clean animals, all before there was the Torah given at Mount Sinai to Moses much later. 

Hopefully I won't be too long but the next post I hope to share a few good plants I have learned of that are wild and free to get and delicious and helpful. 



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